Monday 23 July 2007

Zimmer frame!

I don't quite think that I need one yet, but this morning, I had to be lifted into the car I managed to get my front legs up, but my back ones wouldn't move! I think I should mention the possibility of getting me a ramp. Just to save my blushes you understand.

Sunday 15 July 2007

The shame of it!

Oh dear, now I know that I am getting old when I have to be lifted into the back seat of the car!

Gone are the good old days, when effortless, with one short hop, I was on the back seat awaiting a nice drive, breeze through my ruff, winding down the country roads, awaiting a nice long walk with my folks. Today, I only managed 20 minutes and felt absolutely knackered.

Some young upstart raced passed me this morning, chasing his ball. Didn't give me a second glance. Yep, I thought, those were the days. Still, all the while these old bones keep me going, I am only too glad of a quick amble, nice lay down on my favorite rug, and a big hug from the old dear when I get home.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

My mum's famous!

My mum always seems to be in the media these days. She has just appeared on the Ernie Almond show on BBC Three Counties radio. I thought she sounded really good, even though she did a lot of giggling! She made a bit of a gaffe too, saying that I am forever shredding in this weather. I ask you, shredding indeed. I have seen the size of that shredder, and I wouldn't want to put myself anywhere near it! I think the correct term is shedding. Think I had better take over this writing malarkey.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Really not well!

No pictures to show today. I have been back to the vets as my nails are really itchy, so much so that I pulled one of them out, and boy was it sore. Mum told me I was stupid, but whats new! I'm suffering for it now though!

I have also discovered a couple of lumps on my back, which had to be checked out. Slightest little bump now, and my feet don't touch the ground. I am so SICK of that vet's surgery. Anyway, they are just harmless cysts, but they still itch! Honestly, these days I'm not sure if I am coming or going. Old age is really not nice.

Nowt wrong with my old senses though. Next door was broken into last week. I thought I heard something and tried to tell mum the next day, but she wouldn't believe me. That is until the old fella next door came knocking to tell her that his car has been stolen. I heard him make a reference to my not barking, but they weren't after our car!

Oh well, have to go its my tablet time again.

Tuesday 15 May 2007


We have the builders in at the moment. They have made an awful mess, and noise like you have never heard. I had to adjust my hearing aid several times this morning, and they don't look near to finishing any time soon! Mum's getting pretty excited at the thought of having a new kitchen. Me, well I don't care either way. What I can't figure out is where the other door's gone. There used to be two ways in, and now its bigger, and there's only one door. I was circling around for nearly ten minutes tonight, before I remembered. and that's not at all good for my psyche.

Dad reckons he could have had it all done by now, and it wouldn't have cost a penny. Mum reckons thats rubbish and said left to him we would have waited another 5 years. Me, I just want a nice corner to put my dinner bowl, and a cool place to lie in the Summer. Happy days.

Sunday 13 May 2007

Such an embarrassment!

I cannot believe that my mum has decided to include this in my diary! She has been looking through the photo album again and thought it amusing to show my toilet habits! I mean, how would she like it if I snook up and showed her having a pooh! A dog has gotta do what a dog has gotta do, and my excuse was the vegetable curry I shared with dad the night before. No comments please!

Friday 11 May 2007

Not feeling well today

Not feeling too good today. Just visited the vet for a bad ear and look what I have come home with! It is outrageous, the indignity of it all. Even that darn squirrel was laughing.

Well, I am off for a bit of lunch now, that is if I can negotiate my bowl with this thing on. I wonder if mum will let me sit on her knee later! She keeps saying I'm too big, but as an old boy now, I'm getting away with blue murder!

Thursday 10 May 2007

Blasted weather

I have had a pretty ruff day (lol). It's been raining non stop, and I do find my bones aching in this weather. Dad took me out for walk this morning, and we got soaked. To be honest I am so glad mum brought me a coat last year, cause I am really feeling the benefit now. Mind you, I don't like the sniggers I get from that Staffie next door, but his turn will come.

Thursday 22 February 2007

No More boosters

Mum and dad are talking about my annual booster and weather it should be done. I ask you, do human beings have to undergo annual vaccinations? No, they don't. So why should we dogs?

I think it's time we all got together and protested. I always feel unwell for days after, so I'm digging my heels in this time. I'M NOT GOING!

Friday 16 February 2007

Not that darn squirrel again!

There I was, happily eating my breakfast, when I heard a mighty crash in the garden. Luckily the patio door was open so I dashed out to investigate. There is was, that darn squirrel trying to eat the bird food again.

Now I don't particularly enjoy sharing my garden with anyone. I am a German Shepherd Dog and I like to guard my territory, but I promised mum that I would stop chasing the birds, even that blasted blackbird. My mum however, is always chasing that little critter out of our garden. She was busy in the kitchen this morning, so I thought I would see him off.

In my haste to reach the tree, I forgot about the pond, and crashed head first into the deep end! Goodness it was cold! Hearing the commotion, mum rushed out into the garden and grabbed hold of my head (it was the only part of me above the water). Realising I was too heavy, she started screaming for dad to get me out. I was frozen to the marrow I don't mind telling you, and that blasted squirrel fled laughing into the next garden.

I will get him one day, and when I do!!!

Thursday 15 February 2007

Good morning!

I was late getting up this morning. I can't believe that mum made her breakfast without opening my bedroom door. She knows that I enjoy a saucer of tea, and if I play my cards right, I can sneak up on the bed to watch GMTV. Not that there's ever a lot to amuse me. I much prefer 'Animal Planet', on Sky. Talking of the TV, I would love my mum to register us for the 'Dog Borstal' programme. I would show that Mic Martin a thing or two! Those dog's are all soft. I could have been a police dog you know! I actually passed the test when I was 11 months old. Mum and dad didn't want to give me up though, and I soon mended my way's.

Mum keeps saying that I'm going senile! Dad reckons its because I only hear what I want to hear! As if! Oh well, I can hear my mum calling me now. Time for work.


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My name is Zak