Tuesday 15 May 2007


We have the builders in at the moment. They have made an awful mess, and noise like you have never heard. I had to adjust my hearing aid several times this morning, and they don't look near to finishing any time soon! Mum's getting pretty excited at the thought of having a new kitchen. Me, well I don't care either way. What I can't figure out is where the other door's gone. There used to be two ways in, and now its bigger, and there's only one door. I was circling around for nearly ten minutes tonight, before I remembered. and that's not at all good for my psyche.

Dad reckons he could have had it all done by now, and it wouldn't have cost a penny. Mum reckons thats rubbish and said left to him we would have waited another 5 years. Me, I just want a nice corner to put my dinner bowl, and a cool place to lie in the Summer. Happy days.

Sunday 13 May 2007

Such an embarrassment!

I cannot believe that my mum has decided to include this in my diary! She has been looking through the photo album again and thought it amusing to show my toilet habits! I mean, how would she like it if I snook up and showed her having a pooh! A dog has gotta do what a dog has gotta do, and my excuse was the vegetable curry I shared with dad the night before. No comments please!

Friday 11 May 2007

Not feeling well today

Not feeling too good today. Just visited the vet for a bad ear and look what I have come home with! It is outrageous, the indignity of it all. Even that darn squirrel was laughing.

Well, I am off for a bit of lunch now, that is if I can negotiate my bowl with this thing on. I wonder if mum will let me sit on her knee later! She keeps saying I'm too big, but as an old boy now, I'm getting away with blue murder!

Thursday 10 May 2007

Blasted weather

I have had a pretty ruff day (lol). It's been raining non stop, and I do find my bones aching in this weather. Dad took me out for walk this morning, and we got soaked. To be honest I am so glad mum brought me a coat last year, cause I am really feeling the benefit now. Mind you, I don't like the sniggers I get from that Staffie next door, but his turn will come.