Thursday 7 June 2007

Really not well!

No pictures to show today. I have been back to the vets as my nails are really itchy, so much so that I pulled one of them out, and boy was it sore. Mum told me I was stupid, but whats new! I'm suffering for it now though!

I have also discovered a couple of lumps on my back, which had to be checked out. Slightest little bump now, and my feet don't touch the ground. I am so SICK of that vet's surgery. Anyway, they are just harmless cysts, but they still itch! Honestly, these days I'm not sure if I am coming or going. Old age is really not nice.

Nowt wrong with my old senses though. Next door was broken into last week. I thought I heard something and tried to tell mum the next day, but she wouldn't believe me. That is until the old fella next door came knocking to tell her that his car has been stolen. I heard him make a reference to my not barking, but they weren't after our car!

Oh well, have to go its my tablet time again.

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